Monday, July 25, 2011

5 months of AMAZING growth!

Today Elias is 5 months old!  I have been very overwhelmed lately by how much he has grown and changed in such a short period of time.  With the recent birth of some of my close friends' babies, I have found myself looking back at all my newborn pictures in amazement at how different Eli is now!  He is at an age where he is truly changing every day and learning new skills all the time.  We have been told by many people how alert and observant Eli is...he ALWAYS wants to be upright looking around at everything!  Even while he's eating (obviously one of his favorite activities) he will now stop nursing to look around if someone new walks in the room or if I start talking.

Here are some side-by-side pictures to document this amazing growth over the past 5 months...


Coming home from hospital at 2 days old vs. 4 1/2 months old
(notice the location of the side impact safety sticker on the right side of the carseat compared to his height!)


One of Eli's first baths at home vs. nearly 4 months old after bath

Eli on Chad's chest in the hospital vs. 4 month old Eli on Chad's chest.


About 3 week old Eli in Chad's arms vs. 4 1/2 month old Eli in Chad's arms

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Loving summers at the Lake

Just yesterday while driving back from the Lake of the Ozarks, where we spent a long weekend at my parents lake house, I realized how quickly the summer is flying by!  I began getting really anxious (freaking out really) and very sad.  I have just a few weeks to get everything entire apartment to pack, classroom and lesson plans to prepare, daycare and feedings to coordinate for Eli and every other little thing that goes with life and all our transitions going on right now.  Plus the realization of leaving Eli and only getting to spend maybe 3-4 hours each day with him in the evenings after I get off work.  I have been so blessed to spend just about every minute of every day with him for the past 4 1/2 months...I truly don't know how i'm going to leave him! :( 

I have to keep myself focused on the positives because I can get so easily caught up in the negative.  I'm very excited for the opportunity to teach and for the challenge of having my own classroom!  The moments I do have with Eli once i'm working full-time will be that much more precious (as well as the time I get with Chad will be more cherished)!  

This realization hit me so hard because I've been somewhat avoiding all the work I need to do and enjoying my last bit of time with Eli without working.  I've had a lot of fun this summer and spent quite a bit of time at the lake.  I enjoyed a week with my mom, a few weekends with the whole family, including some time with my good friends Ashleigh and Justin and their awesome daughter Chloe too.  I've also gotten a lot of time to hangout with my crazy fun nephew Sam (4 1/2 yrs old) and cutie patootie niece Kinley (20 months old)!  So, for now i'm cherishing the moments I have and looking back on the great times this summer...enjoy some photos to document my summer fun!

Eli with Grandpa 

Sleeping on the boat in his life jacket 

Justin & Chloe in their shades on the waverunner 

Sam & Kinley hanging on the tube

Relaxin in the hammock

Sam jumping off the dock...he loves the water!

Showing off his diving skills 

Sam and Kinley watching their daddy tube with Janey (Brad's girlfriend) 

Mommy & Eli getting ready for a swim on the 4th of July weekend - sporting the red, white, & blue! 

Taking a dip in the lake 

Did I mention that we love the lake!