Monday, May 30, 2011

Changes on the horizon

My 12 weeks of allowed maternity leave just ran out.  I have been trying to decide what I would do ever since I got pregnant and would love to stay home with my little man full-time.  The past 3 months since he's been born have been amazing to be able to be home with him and I am so thankful i've had this time.  But, me staying home isn't really a possibility for our family right now.  I have been totally stressed out about what I would do...up until now I have balanced 2 part time jobs (not making much money at one of them) and that arrangement would be too difficult with an infant at home.  Therefore, I went looking for a new job.

God has totally provided for me in completely unexpected ways and I have just been hired at Christian Chapel Academy as next years 8th grade teacher.  I will actually teach 6, 7, & 8 grade science and 8th grade social studies and bible class.  Most small Christian schools have their teachers fill many roles.  I am nervous about the work load this will require (on top of maintaining a home with a husband and baby), but very excited for this opportunity and have felt extremely welcomed by Christian Chapel already!  

This is not the only change happening...August brings lots of change.  I will be starting this new job, Chad will be starting a new internship, we will be moving into a new apartment on August 1st, and at the same time Elias will be ready to start solid foods and will have to begin going to daycare.  I get very anxious and stressed thinking about it and would appreciate any prayers for peace and preparedness!  

But, for now i'm enjoying some free time...currently spending a girls' week with my mom (and Eli of course) at the Lake of the Ozarks!  I will miss my hubby, but am looking forward to down-time.

And because I can't resist, here are some more pictures of Eli and our family (taken by Breezy Torres)...

Love this face...
My precious little man!
Exhausted from the photo shoot, he couldn't resist falling asleep in daddy's arms!
The letters I made to match his sports-themed room
Having fun with the "Party at my crib" shirt

Love our family!!
He's such a happy baby!

Monday, May 23, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things!

Sucking...couldn't decide between pacifier and thumb!

Sucking...2 fingers!

and more sucking...thumb, almost my favorite thing!

Eating...this is probably my absolute favorite, and check out my skills at holding my own bottle! this one too!

and when i'm awake...I love playing with Daddy!

Practicing my push-ups!

More sleeping (and sucking, notice the pacifier) to get the naps in!

and finally...hanging out with Mommy, my favorite!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day: bitter sweet

It was so fun to celebrate mother's day yesterday!  Eli woke me up with a cry over the monitor, ready to eat after sleeping for 8 hours!  He is getting so good at sleeping through the night and I love that!  I wake up and feed him first thing every day, but for some reason it seemed so exciting on this day...a new found joy to experience!  I cannot express how much I love being a mom.

However, I can't help but think back a year ago when Mother's day was one of the most difficult days for me.  Many have wished me a happy first Mother's day...and i'm very thankful for their love!  But, inside I hurt a little because although this is my first Mother's day with Elias, I was a mother to another little precious life that I didn't have the joy of birthing and caring for.  So, this year was somewhat bitter sweet in that I sadly remember our first child who only lived slightly over 8 weeks, but I am absolutely thrilled to have Eli in my life and excited to see our family grow!

Sorry for the sad note.  Back to yesterday...after our morning feeding, Eli and I got in bed with daddy and just lounged for an hour or favorite weekend mornings!  Then after getting ready we went out for breakfast/lunch.  This is always the dilemma, I love breakfast food but Chad doesn' we went to Cracker Barrel where you can get both all the time!  Later that evening we went over to my good friend Melissa's house.  Melissa and Ryan just bought a new house and they invited us over for a Mother's Day BBQ...delicious!

Below are a couple Mother's Day pics of dad and Elias...