Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Family Outing

Tonight was absolutely gorgeous weather and we took advantage of the evening we had together as a family (they are few and far between) and went for a walk!  I really love our new apartment by the way and when we were out and about we discovered all sorts of cute little nature spots and peaceful neighborhoods to walk around.

Elias generally sits back and chills out when he's riding in his stroller.  Which is so funny because normally he is an outgoing smiley baby, but when he gets in his stroller (without his carseat) he just sits back, completely emotionless and goes along for the ride.  He loves to watch everything and has always been an observant baby, so I guess the times when he gets to ride facing forward in his stroller he takes full advantage of this.  The one pic with a smile below was coaxed out of him with lots of silly faces by mom and dad, probably quite funny to any passers by! :)

This might sound silly, but I really enjoy days where I don't have to put on any makeup.  Now I know I don't ever HAVE to wear makeup, but you know what I mean.  Even if i'm going to be out running errands, as long I don't have somewhere that I have to go or an event i'm attending I won't put any makeup on and today was one of those nice relaxing days!  :)

Here's some pictures to document our family outing...ENJOY!

 Chad pushing the stroller while I made faces trying to get a smile out of Eli

 Elias hung his arm over the edge of the stroller for about 25 minutes of our walk, just chillin not even caring about the toy we hooked on to his stroller for him!

Momma & Eli (arm still hanging)

Some self-taken family photos...amazingly Eli was looking at the camera! 
(even with a slight smirk below)

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